Assistant Professor in Geotechnical Engineering at Portland State University
Diane Moug joined the Portland State University Civil and Environmental Engineering Department in 2017 after earning her Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of California, Davis. She earned her undergraduate degree in Geological Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Prior to attending UC Davis, she worked for 3 years as a geotechnical and hydrogeological consultant at mine waste storage facilities and oil sands sites in Chile, Alaska, Northern Alberta, and Guatemala.
Dr. Moug’s research uses advanced numerical techniques and soil constitutive models to study geotechnical behavior and develop in-situ characterization methods for unique, problematic, or otherwise poorly characterized geotechnical materials. These soils include intermediate soils, diatomaceous soils, mine tailings, volcanic soils, and many of the soils found in the Pacific Northwest and Portland area. A particular area of interest is the cone penetration test (CPT) for geotechnical site investigation. She also investigates microbially induced desaturation for mitigation of geotechnical earthquake hazards.