Research Projects

Examining the Geotechnical Earthquake Hazard to Transportation Assets in Oregon and Washington: Characterizing Earthquake-Induced Deformations of Silt Soils (2024 to 2025)
Funding Agency: USDOT PACTRANS

Mobility and Accessibility Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure (2024 to 2025)
Funding Agency: USDOT PACTRANS
Osama Abaza (University of Alaska Anchorage), David Yang (Portland State University), Diane Moug

CAREER: Advanced and Uncertainty-Informed Site Investigation (2024 to 2029)
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation

Collborative Research: Efficiacy and Durability of Microbially Induced Desaturation to Mitigate Liquefaction in Fine-Grained Soils (2023 to 2026)
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Diane Moug, Arash Khosravifar (Portland State University), Aaron Gallant (University of Maine), Luis Zambrano-Cruzatty (University of Maine), Leon van Paassen (Arizona State University).

RAPID/Collaborative Research: Subsurface Characterization of Liquefaction Case Histories from the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquake Sequence (2022 to 2023).
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Jorge Macedo (Georgia Institute of Technology), Patrick Bassal (The Ohio State University), Jonathan Bray (University of California, Berkeley), Diane Moug

Phase II: Method Development for Construction Design in Diatomaceous Soils (2023 to 2027).
Funding Agency: Oregon Department of Transportation
T. Matthew Evans (Oregon State University), Diane Moug

RAPID/Collaborative Research: Investigating the Liquefaction Susceptibility of Calcareous Sand in Hawaii with an Enhanced NHERI@UTexas Large Mobile Shaker (2023 – 2025).
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Diane Moug, Arash Khosravifar (Portland State University), Amin Rafiei (University of Hawaii, Manoa)

Collaborative Contribution of Geotechnical Characterization to the GeoTechTools Website (2022 – 2023).
Funding Agency: Deep Foundations Institute
Mary Nodine (FHWA), Diane Moug, Arash Pirouzi (GeoEngineers, Inc.), Scott Walker (Langan), Joseph Zwetchkenbaum (HNTB Corporation)

Framework and Methodology for Risk-Based Bridge and Tunnel Asset Management (2021 – 2023)
Funding Agency: Federal Highway Administration
David Yang (PI), Portland State University; Arash Khosravifar (Co-PI), Portland State University; Ruth McKeowan (Bentley), Diane Moug (Co-PI), Portland State University; Avinash Unnikrishnan (Co-PI), Portland State University

Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) Hub Risk Assessment (2020 – 2021)
Funding Agency: Oregon Department of Defense
Peter Dusicka (PI), Portland State University; Diane Moug (Co-PI), Portland State University; Arash Khosravifar (Co-PI), Portland State University

Investigation of Pore Pressure Migration During Piezocone Tests, 2019-2021
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Diane Moug (PI)

RAPID: Liquefaction Mitigation of Silts using Microbial Desaturation and Field Testing with NHERI@UTexas Mobile 
Shakers, 2019-2021

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Arash Khosravifar (PI), Portland State University; Diane Moug (Co-PI), Portland State University
Collaboration with Kenneth Stokoe, University of Texas at Austin; Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics

Development of Design Standards for Diatomaceous Silts, 2019-2023
Funding Agency: Oregon Department of Transportation
Matt Evans (PI), Oregon State University; Diane Moug (Co-PI), Portland State University

Examining earthquake liquefaction susceptibility of silt with the cone penetration test (2019 – 2020)
Funding Agency: Portland State University
Diane Moug (PI)